Thursday, August 28, 2014

Free Yoga and (not free, but Tasty) Hot Dogs

Starting last night (08/27/14) and every Wednesday through September 24th, City Plaza in Raleigh is host to free Yoga held on the turf adjacent to Happy and Hale. 

It will feature instructors from different Yoga studios around the Triangle, and if the inaugural session is any indicator, is a great way to relax your body and mind while being outside to bask in the late summer/early fall evening weather. 
Free Yoga in the open air

Check here for more info .

And if you're already on Fayetteville street fine-tuning your downward-facing dog, why not follow it up with some upward-facing hot dogs?

Tasty 8's is a brand new face in downtown Raleigh with, you guessed it, 8 deliciously tempting hot dog creations featured on the menu. 

Pictured below are the El Perro, Windy City Weenie, and a side of Belgian frites with Green Goddess Guacamole dipping sauce.

Two Dogs that don't need a leash

Check out the full menu, which also includes the other 6 gourmet dog creations, corn dogs and milkshakes.